Xem Nhiều 4/2024 # Detailed Instructions How To Prepare The Dish Abalone # Top Yêu Thích

Abalone is a delicious food, nutrition is considered a masterpiece of the eight dishes called “treasure bowl” for the ancient king. In China abalone is on par with shark fin, ginseng, bird’s nest one of the dishes and premium luxury. Food experts say eating abalone can help prevent and treat neurasthenia, arthritis, promote healthy eyes, reduce colds, reduce fluid retention and improving circulation, … Abalone variations are a lot of different dishes such as abalone soup, grilled abalone, abalone stew vegetables … would always bring dish taste delicious and nutritious to eat. Here, seafood Giau diners will introduce some exciting dishes from dried abalone resource offline!

Abalone porridge stewed dishes

Nutritious abalone porridge

Nutritious abalone porridge

Abalone stew dish nutritious porridge when tired or sick while fruit is extremely nutritious food for health



100 g fragrant rice

Ginger, salt, green onions, pepper.


– Rice washed, drained dry roasted rice in a saucepan until thick rice up

the aroma is.

– Pumping water into the roasting bones just put rice until the rice is thoroughly hums, just dilute

– Fresh abalone cooked, remove the meat, fried thinly sliced ​​through the fragrant oil astronauts.

– If it is dry abalone washed, soaked in warm water for 30 minutes, bringing steamed until soft, then remove from the heat abalone.

– Pour freshly prepared abalone porridge in the pot, boil lightly for about 5 minutes.

– Taste for seasoning to taste, ladle soup into the bowl drop cilantro, sprinkle a little pepper powder. Do not wedge straight into the fish sauce while boiling porridge because your so susceptible sour porridge.

– Optional reducers rice or porridge or water to dilute your own way offline.

Abalone sauteed shiitake

Abalone sauteed shiitake

Abalone sauteed shiitake


200g abalone

100g shiitake

200g broccoli

1 ginger, 1 onion

20g flour

Spices add flavor


– Abalone washed, sliced ​​about 1 cm thick slanted. (If fresh abalone poached made by boiling water and ginger mixed with alcohol, if canned can be used immediately)

– Broccoli cut, poaches, shiitake soaking for about 30 minutes until soft, sliced ​​onion orange zone shape.

– Saute onion until fragrant, stirring abalone, a large fire, road salt wedge oyster.

– For mushroom sauteed squash and broccoli on next. Add flour to water of dilution to taste match.

– Finally the sesame oil and ginger cut into the fiber is.

* Tips for you: Seafood daily small tip for your application for selecting, cleaning and storage of abalone.

how to choose

Lightly touch the edge abalone, that there is elastic reaction of fresh abalone. Another way to distinguish fresh abalone is also looking at the circle that possesses a thick, full of meat, his uniform, holding up the middle often see a red line is kind of delicious.

Currently on the market also appeared fake abalone clams, oysters on the surface as well much like abalone, eating only recently discovered. So when shopping you should also care about product price, if cheaper than it probably is not that the scallop abalone.

Abalone cleaning:

Use a scrub brush black on abalone shell, to whole fish, washed around the fringes, where the sand.


How to preserve the best abalone is still buy on the use of instant abalone. If not used, it should keep for the refrigerator to prevent freezing. Maybe for dry windy places, avoid the sun shines on. When dried abalone into the jar for storage, if it emerges abalone surface layer of white powder, do not worry, that’s not the mold, which due to salt from sea water quality in abalone out details.

Good luck.

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