Xem Nhiều 4/2024 # Dried Abalone And The Most Delicious Dishes From Dried Abalone At Viet Nam # Top Yêu Thích

Abalone is one of the highly nutritious seafood, magnesium, vitamin B, E, protein … beneficial for human health. Abalone is also precious medicinal natural for humans are very effective in strengthening weak healing, Physiology physiology of men. According to the folk experience, some other specialties such as starfish, seahorse also has the effect of strengthening and healing the weak male physiology.

What is abalone?

Buy dried abalone where best

Buy dried abalone where best

Abalone is a sea mollusk found in cold water off the coasts of Southern New Zealand, South Africa and Australia, and North America and Japan.

For the Chinese, it is considered one of the big four delicacies of the sea

Abalone is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, thus a must-have at feasts and festivities.

What is dried Abalone?

Dried abalone is an acquired, expensive taste, like caviar or truffles.

Dried abalone is used to impart a distinct flavor to Chinese soups.

It has a sweeter taste and firmer texture than canned or frozen.

Each abalone has its own unique characteristics, but shares commonalities such as texture and strong flavor

Are there any health benefits?

Abalone is a yin food, known for relieving dry coughs and fever.

How do I prepare/eat dried abalone?

Dried abalone connoisseurs enjoy abalone by braising it whole and eating it like a steak.

Dried abalone can be added in (medicinal) soup. Canned or fresh abalone has far less concentrated flavor.

It is usually simmered in broth for several hours to soften and served whole or in slices with a savory sauce.

Abalone has 3 types: fresh abalone (frozen abalone and abalone live), abalone soup (canned abalone and abalone noodle), dried abalone. Dried abalone is slightly lost due to soaked and steamed until tender. Fresh abalone with just meat, washed over with water has brewed wine and ginger, drained can be used.

The nutritious food from abalone

Dried abalone selling prices at seafood company Mr. Rich

Dried abalone selling prices at seafood company Mr. Rich

Along with tea and sharks, abalone is considered precious dishes in chic party. It also is unique in both the Eastern and Western medicine. Uses of abalone: abalone are yin, increased gas, kidney tonic, enhance for men, decreased … Those who prostrate body, eye, kidney impairment, weak sexual activity should use the abalone.

Delicious dishes made from abalone:

-Abalone live

Live abalone

-Abalone cooked porridge

-Abalone cleaning

-Sauteed abalone mushrooms Braised

-Abalone Soup

-Rice in abalone

-Abalone sauce oil

-Abalone sauteed garlic

-Green abalone

-Abalone Sashimi

-Abalone Noodles

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