How to preserve dried shrimps delicious delicious use all year

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How to preserve dried shrimps delicious delicious use all year

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Top Sale 4/2024 # How To Preserve Dried Shrimps Delicious Delicious Use All Year # Top Yêu Thích

Every year, our house is also donated many dried shrimp. Dried shrimp wrapped in a layer of paper, a layer of plastic wrap, in the refrigerator cooler for some time to be moldy. Mother who knows how to preserve dried shrimp k moldy, for a long time only help with?

How to preserve dried shrimp

supplying dried shrimp export

supplying dried shrimp export

Dried shrimp is a popular dish, friendly to most Vietnamese families, because from dry shrimp housewives we can process many delicious, fast and delicious dishes of many brothers. Especially during the Tet holidays, dried shrimps are often chosen as Tet gifts. “Consequence” is the “her own house” must know how to preserve dried shrimp properly to ensure no mold, keep the taste, nutrition of dried shrimp to eat gradually. After studying from internet, I learned from my predecessors, friends and myself to thoroughly apply the tips that not everyone knows. Today, I would like to share with you near and far to apply together.

Some ways of preserving dried shrimp are as follows:


dried shrimp quality, cheap

dried shrimp quality, cheap

Option 1:

You should only take a little about 50g – 100g put in a bag of nylon or glass jar put in the refrigerator cooler to eat every day. The remainder, stored in nylon bags (nested around 2 or 3 bags of nylon), is tied securely to the bag and stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. If possible, vacuum before storing it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

Placing on the freezer does not freeze the frozen shrimps, but on the contrary will keep the good taste of dried shrimps. Note: Do not put dried shrimp under the cooler, the preservation should not be long and dried shrimp will be absorbed by the heat, which makes it hard to eat, not eating delicious, sweet. Leave it in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks, then leave to dry and then continue to preserve as instructed above.

Note: preserve dried shrimp in glass jars and keep in the cooler of the refrigerator to eat slowly

Method 2:

If you do not have a fridge, you have to pack dried shrimp in many layers (when you have to choose a very dry, not wet). To a dry, cool place. Every one week you take shrimp to dry sun dried shrimps and then preserve and continue to eat until the shrimp.

When buying dried shrimp at dry shrimps you should ask the seller to split up into small packages and vacuum up. If vacuum is included with the package, it is possible to dry shrimp package outside normal conditions. If you do not have a desiccator package, you must let the shrimp dry in the cooler or freeze the refrigerator. Eat until the end only.

If there are too many that have not used, the mother divided the small parts, freeze the ice, when to eat the natural defrost. But defrost once and then turn down the cooler as I said above to use (rather than put in the freezer again to lose the delicious taste of shrimp dry the mother) I have an important note to the mother that if the shrimp dried (not sun exposed) then the mother must be stored in the freezer. To prevent only 1-2 weeks is moldy or non-edible oil.She put sugar in the dried shrimp and put into the cooler of the refrigerator, the e to get all that year.My house is exposed to the sun and into the glass jar in the refrigerator for a long time

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