Xem Nhiều 4/2024 # These Delicious Dishes From Dried Abalone And Best Quality # Top Yêu Thích

Abalone is the rare seafood usually only appear in the party. In the feudal era, abalone is one of 8 “bowl of Pearl” reserved for Kings. Meat of abalone is a crunchy, delicious-smelling and very nutritious, has the effect of increasing gas, hypothermia, kidney tonic, against prostrate body.Besides that also coated, eye tonic, enhance for. Abalone Phu Quoc is famous all over the country, usually in the form of dried abalone or abalone, fresh Phu Quoc, Phu Quoc. Abalone in combination with fish become great fish abalone soup.

How to cook vegetables nutrition / processing from Abalone

dried abalone good price

dried abalone good price


Fresh abalone with just meat, washed over with water has brewed wine and ginger, drained can be used. The following tutorials how to cook abalone porridge very simple and nutritious.


• 200 g of meat abalone

• 100 g of aromatic rice

• Ginger, salt, scallions, pepper.


Abalone thin cut, marinated ginger juice.

Rice porridge cooked breadfruit, clean and wash the dilution. Salt wedge has just eaten. Porridge is boiling, drop the abalone on, wait, bring back the cup of boiling, for Ginger mashed fibers, cut into little green onions chopped, pepper.


The dish has been elaborately tunnel through two weekly. Furthermore, the water used and abalone back very sweet by being from the raw meat, bones and vegetables-a type of common food processing of Chinese.


4 the abalone

300 g chicken leg

8 ears fresh Braised mushrooms

1/2 carrot, 1 sprig of green onions, 2 teaspoons ginger juice, 1 soupspoon oil, 500 ml water, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of white wine, 2 teaspoons of seasoning, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch


-Abalone meat nạy wash, shave, marinated sugar, salt, soy sauce, white wine and ginger juice, for about 1 hour, then rinse, drain

-Chicken Legs wash.

-Mushrooms Braised the legs removed, washed, boiled via fuse dam Ginger has little boiling water, remove, drain the foul smell for the extractor.

-Peel the carrots, washed, chopped mashed fibers. Remove onion roots, stripping yarn

-North Pan onto the stove, into oil, ・ wait hot oil, for abalone on the island quickly and continuously until the water slightly shallow. Then, for the white wine on the island next to the when the drain

-North up pot of water, oil, soy sauce, white wine, sugar, half the weight of chicken legs for into the tunnel along abalone and about 3 hours. Then, remove abalone and mushrooms, remove part of the water tunnel (or take advantage of other dishes for the sauce-making), then chopped mushrooms own small fibers

-North water use up kitchen, for the rest of the chicken legs into the cellar to see the steam water comparisons, remove, for abalone and mushrooms into the wedge, seasoning, continue for carrots, green onions, cook 3 more minutes. Finally, do the comparison with cornstarch.


-Mix the powder with water to Lü BU, just under the national phase 1 water 2 medium is flour. If diluted too, when soup, soup batter will be pale or lost.


Raw materials

-150 g cabbage Braised mushrooms 10-1 onion-1 cu-juice squeezed ginger 2 fresh abalone kids about 150 g-oil-sesame oil-sauce-sugar-Salt

How to do:

-Cabbage washed, sawed in two, trụng through the boiling water, picked out for on the pots of cold water to the vegetables are green.

-Braised Mushroom soaking water for soft, cut off the stem part.

-Abalone shell Cup, meat washed with alcohol water mix ginger, to whole or cut as thin as you like.

-Africa shallot, aromatic for sautéed onions on abalone cooking oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt to fit your mouth. Empty mushrooms braised in FRY, when the mushrooms soft then the cabbage on the island for fast hands. Finally, for sesame oil, ginger juice, presentation disc out, clear the use hot.

Abalone fever spicy peppers

providing dried abalone

providing dried abalone

Raw materials

-5 pay attention to abalone by hand-chip: 1 bunch vegetable-chili-spicy-soy sauce-sugar-Garlic

How to do

-Abalone rinse, then use the toothbrush Cup in turn two on the side edge of the abalone for long out of the shell. Then you can use split and push them out gently like this.

Splitting knife abalone off the peel and prepare the seasoning to seasoned marinated. Bowl of condiments including soy sauce, sugar, noodles. If one likes spicy food can give little extra mustard.

Then we use the small perspective I attach abalone out like in the picture and put back into place once a shell as old. Next up is the seasoned water sprinkle soy source surface abalone to infuse this.

While waiting, we cooked steamed abalone sauteed CHOY up to eat with. Hot pan sauteed CHOY after finishing can Africa small dams were garlic aroma.

Continue to pour into the Pan Africa aromatic garlic chili grind. If you would like to eat sugary sweet flavoring may be a little way.

Aromatic chilli garlic, after we sprayed evenly onto the surface abalone have been cleaning the nine to eat.

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