How to make dried squid ric fermented sweet and sour super delicious, super simple!

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How to make dried squid ric fermented sweet and sour super delicious, super simple!

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Top Sale 4/2024 # How To Make Dried Squid Ric Fermented Sweet And Sour Super Delicious, Super Simple! # Top Yêu Thích

Dried squid must be a very popular dish, just smell the aroma when baking the ink is hard to resist. A little fun variation will make the dried squid become soulful and “more” than the mind. I will share how to make dried squid sour sweet delicious is delicious right here, sweet sour sour taste of the ingredients penetrate deep into each of the ink. This dish can be used as a snack or the target is also “timely”. Please refer to the recipe that you share the following immediately illustrated 1 – How to make dried squid sour sweet delicious, super simple!

How to make dried squid sour sweet and sour, super easy:

dried squid sour sweet

dried squid sour sweet

Step 1: Dried squid we can bake with alcohol or microwave oven, oven, but alcoholic bake probably will bring the best taste. But in order to make delicious grilled squid, it is best to separate the body and head of the grilled squid, as the head will need longer ripening time. But be aware that when baking with alcohol you should be careful to light it with paper, it is safer and should be kept away from the alcohol bottle. And there is one extreme taboo when baking ink that is not poured alcohol when the fire is burning the light offline. Be more careful than we should prepare three pairs of porcelain plates to bake it will be safe. After the baking process finished, the women wrapped it with newspaper and used a light pout (the purpose was to make the ink soft and fall out of the black stick to the ink body).

Step 2: Next, the tear she cut the dried squid, remember to tear the squid for easy. Pineapple cut half the finely chopped and squeezed juice extracted juice, this juice when rim with ink will be very fragrant and bring sweet and sour taste.

Mix 3 tablespoons tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon chilli paste, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon chili pepper, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon of delicious fish sauce, mix well for the spices are dissolved into each other.

dried squid sour sweet

dried squid sour sweet

Step 4: Prepare a small pan to squeeze the squid, heat the pan, add 2 tablespoons of oil to the pan, wait for the oil to boil the garlic into aroma, mix the sauce mixed in step 3, add water Pineapple, wedge to have a sweet and sour sour (if not enough acidity she can add a little mint or peanut juice, but she remembered slowly to see the mouth slightly) . Continue to add dry squid to the pan, stir well. Leave the fire at the minimum level for a few minutes to spice evenly around the squid, finally leaving the stove and putting the roasted sesame on top.

With just a few simple steps, dry squid and sweet sour is finished. Squid topped with spicy spicy salty tops to taste delicious to know. Wish you success and delicious illustrations 3 – How to make dried squid sour sweet delicious, super simple!This dish can be used as a snack or the target is also “timely”. Please refer to the recipe that you share the following immediately illustrated 1 – How to make dried squid sour sweet delicious, super simple!


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